Types of Yoga - a guide for a beginner Yogi
We have all heard of different yoga practices - streams of yoga that express different approaches. At first it all sounds like gibberish, but there are differences between different types of yoga. There are dynamic methods, there are types of yoga that emphasize staying in the pose, some practice a fixed number of poses and some are more varied. In this article we will detail the types of yoga and for whom each method is suitable.
The reason different practice traditions have developed is because different people need different ways to get to this state. The methods are different but as they say in Zen Buddhism: different fingers point to the same moon and different paths lead to the same mountain top.
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Types of yoga:
Practicing yoga is important in itself, out of all the types of yoga each one finds for them the method that suits them better. We will present to you the main and best-known methods in Israel.
Bikram Yoga
Named after the person who distributed it in the West, Bikram Chodori. Only 26 poses are practiced in this method. The practice is performed in a studio that is heated to 41 degrees Celsius and with 40% humidity. This is to simulate the practice conditions for the weather in South India. In this method the room is full of mirrors that the teacher hardly corrects the trainees and the expectation is that they will correct themselves. In this practice you sweat a lot and it is effective in opening joints and improving flexibility. The practice is suitable for those who do not mind the high heat and practiced in front of mirrors, as well as for those who want to trust themselves in correcting the poses.
Hatha Yoga
It is considered to be the earliest method of physical practice, but it is important to emphasize that the way it is performed today is very different from its origins. Literally the word deceleration is power, meaning a method of physical exercises aimed at increasing the energy of life, Prana. The method has several main sources: The Buddha described methods for training deep muscles to control hunger and thirst. Later it included breathing and meditation. In the 15th century the significant text 'Hatha Yoga Paradifica' was written which expands and details further practice techniques. However, only 33 physical postures were described in it and gradually physical practice became more central. Today Hatha Yoga is suitable for those who are looking for a practice of a few classic poses at a slow, calm and relaxed pace so that a practitioner of any age and at any fitness level can practice.
Vinnie Yoga
This method was developed and distributed by TKV Desiccher, an Indian teacher who emphasized the holistic and therapeutic components of yoga. The coupling 'Winnie Yoga' is mentioned in Patanjali's Sutras, meaning 'to differentiate' 'to adapt' and 'correct application'.
The method emphasizes soft practice, repetition of relaxed sequences and emphasis on the personal experience of the trainee and adaptation to his needs. The method is suitable for those who are looking for a flowing but soft and gentle practice.
Ashtanga Yoga
Developed by Fethby Joyce during the first half of the 20th century. Literally ‘Ashtanga’ is eight and the intention is to include the eight organs of yoga, i.e. the main components of yoga as defined by Patanjali in sutras (asanas, breathing, concentration and more).
This is actually a method of fixed series with increasing intensity. The method strives for the student to memorize the sequence and the teacher will only verbally instruct and count the time spent in the poses and correct if necessary.
Ashtanga Yoga is suitable for those who are looking for a very dynamic and intense, repetitive, regular and physically demanding practice.
Power Yoga
Is an intensive and dynamic method like Ashtanga however the sequences are varied and variable. In practice sweating, moving fast and there is diversity and rejuvenation in sequences that provide strength, flexibility and balance.
The method was developed by a number of teachers who researched and deepened the sequence construction technique so that the traditional principles were preserved along with innovation. The method places great emphasis on proper breathing to prevent fatigue and maintain the same intensity throughout the workout. The method is suitable for those who like strong, dynamic practice and are looking for creativity and diversity and still use proper and healthy yogic breathing.
Sivananda Yoga
Is a method whose main purpose is to maintain fidelity to the philosophical sources which are the Vedic scriptures. According to this approach the vitality of the body should be maintained, however this is not the ultimate or central goal. The method promotes 5 principles: asana, breathing, meditation, rest / relaxation and vegetarianism. According to this method in physical practice one should rest between the poses and practice 12 poses in a fixed order and one should control them before adding more poses to the practice. The practice is pleasant and suitable for those who are looking for lots of relaxation along with movement that is not too intense.
Vinyasa Yoga
The literal meaning of the word Vinyasa is to organize wisely thing by thing. In fact the meaning is 'series'. In practice, as a method of practice, the reference is to a flowing movement that connects one position to the next in a flowing manner when the movement is related to breathing.
At first Vinyasa was based on the Ashtanga Vinyasa with changes according to the teacher's vision. But teachers who know the knowledge of asanas and understand the method of constructing sequences can construct complex sequences that preserve ancient yogic sources. This method is suitable for students who want to experience powerful physical practice with true yogic origins but also understand the importance of varied and changing practice.
In conclusion, when choosing a practice method one should pay attention to what is important to you and what you need. What is right for friends or family will not necessarily be the exact practice for you.
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